Baddeck, Canada

Inverary Resort

3 out of 5 stars
24 Hour-Front Desk
Beauty/​Salon Services
Concierge Services
Spa Services

Stunning location

In the heart of Cape Breton on the sparkling shores of the Bras d’Or Lakes, Inverary Resort is at the start and end of the world-famous Cabot Trail! With a picturesque location and abundance of amenities, Baddeck and Inverary Resort are your best way to experience Cape Breton Island. Keep your ears open for fiddles and kitchen parties and eyes peeled for the scenic treasures you will take home with you.

Inverary Resort

368 Shore Rd
NS B0E 1B0, Baddeck, Canada
See all packages that include Inverary Resort

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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