Lake Myvatn, Iceland

Sel Hotel Myvatn

4 out of 5 stars
Internet Access (Free Wi-Fi, Dial-Up)
Laundry Facilities
Parking Garage

Unbeatable views in Myvatn

Sel Hotel Myvatn is located a few minutes' walk from the Skutustaiagugar pseudo-craters and offers plenty of lake-side activities to enjoy during your stay. The hotel is situated so the pseudo-craters are in full view of the on-site restaurant, not to mention the incredible views to the north and south of the property. In the interest of accommodating guests' need for a good night's sleep, the hotel has created a calm environment for relaxation and boasts excellent beds. All 58 guestrooms feature beautiful furnishings, private bathrooms, telephone, and TV.

Sel Hotel Myvatn

Skútustaðir 2
660, Lake Myvatn, Iceland
See all packages that include Sel Hotel Myvatn

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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