Tours, France

Hotel Oceania L'Univers Tours

4 out of 5 stars
Dry Cleaning/​Laundry Service*
Room Service
Internet Access (Free Wi-Fi, Dial-Up)

Historic hotel in the center of Tours

Ideally located in the heart of Tours, Hotel Oceania L'Univers Tours is an easy walk to all of the city's attractions. This charming 4-star hotel provides a unique setting packed with history, as evidenced by the renowned guests that grace its portrait gallery. Hotel Oceania L’Univers has taken care to preserve and emphasize everything that makes it so charmingly authentic while featuring modern conveniences. Welcoming guests since 1846, this quaint hotel features fully refurbished guestrooms that perfectly combine tradition, design, and modernity. The hotel restaurant does a masterful job of combining traditional French and regional cuisine, and the popular bar is frequented by locals and guests alike.

Hotel Oceania L'Univers Tours

5 Boulevard Heurteloup
37000, Tours, France
See all packages that include Hotel Oceania L'Univers Tours

Please note that some amenities may be restricted or unavailable due to local ordinances or sanitary best practices.

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