Crucial German Phrases for the Distinguished Traveler

By Rachael Funk

Ever at a loss to say exactly what you’re thinking? Do you long for a no-frills way to express yourself? Germany did too, and what they’ve come up with is the best thing since the printing press. Before you beeline for Bavaria or set a course for Cologne, brush up on these linguistic gems.

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Word: Kummerspeck

Translation: Grief bacon

What it means: Weight gained from emotional overeating

Word: Schnapsidee

Translation: Schnapps idea

What it means: Similar to the popular North American phenomenon, “shower thoughts,” schnapsidee is a great idea you get while drunk and will likely regret.

Word: Backpfeifengesicht

Translation: A face in need of a fist

What it means: This is so precisely what it sounds like, it’s practically an onomatopoeia. Another way to translate this is “a face in need of a slap.”

Word: Futterneid

Translation: Feed envy

What it means: Feeling regret and jealousy when the waiter brings out someone else’s food and it looks better than what you ordered.

Word: Bewegungslegastheniker

Translation: Movement Dyslexic

What it means: A person who is hopelessly clumsy

Word: Kampfdackel

Translation: Combat dachshund

What it means: A small dog who thinks he’s bigger than he is; a tiny dog that acts tough

Word: Zweisamkeit

Translation: People-ness

What it means: The feeling of closeness between two people; the opposite of loneliness

Word: Fremdschämen

Translation: Strange shame

What it means: Similar to secondhand embarrassment, this word describes being embarrassed from someone else embarrassing themselves.

Extra sausage!

Expression: Das ist mir Wurst

Translation: It’s sausage to me

What it means: I don’t care; it’s all the same to me

Expression: Jetzt geht um die Wurst

Translation: Now it’s all about the sausage

What it means: Something is very important; an all-or-nothing situation; now or never

Expression: Die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen

Translation: To act like an offended sausage

What it means: Someone who is being melodramatic; a drama queen

Expression: Du armes Würstchen!

Translation: You poor little sausage

What it means: A patronizing way to say “you poor thing” while not truly sympathizing

Expression: Er glaubt, er bekommt eine Extrawurst

Translation: He thinks he gets an extra sausage

What it means: Someone is acting entitled or expecting special treatment

Expression: Mit dem Schinken nach der Wurst werfen

Translation: To throw ham after sausage

What it means: To downgrade; to be taken advantage of

Expression: Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei

Translation: Everything has an end, only sausage has two

What is means: Everything must come to an end

Expression: Senf dazugeben

Translation: To add mustard

What it means: To put in your two cents; volunteering opinions whether or not they are requested

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